lundi 7 novembre 2016

You would have to be living in a cave to not have heard the eminent buzz and hype surrounding Mafia 3 right now. From the old world time it takes place in to the setting, everything about this game feels alive and intricate. Even having the balls to deal with racial issues and tensions in a videogame is impressive, but Mafia 3 doesn’t want to “another open world” game. It wants to be something more. You’ve played games before, but Mafia 3 creates a world that seems to surpass that. A world that TRULY feels alive.
What I am saying is, this may very well be the first GTA clone that may surpass the series it was inspired by.
No easy feat, but Mafia 3 has all of drooling at the idea of just how real that world looks and just how inviting  it is (even though we know a heap of bad shit will happen to us). But from setting to characters to mood and music, this is one open world beast that just may become the new king of the video game jungle.
Though I am sure I will take this back once the trailer for Read Dead 2 drops. Just being honest

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