Whether it’s because you are imagining just how awesome you’d look in them, or you can’t believe that anyone would wear these suits on a regular day (I think Comic Con would suit just fine – see what I did there? – I wouldn’t know.
What I know is that there are people who have never worn a suit and would never dream to think of wearing one.
If you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan, however, and you have no qualms about standing out in the crowd, then you want these Star Wars suits in your wardrobe.
I have to be honest – I am probably the last person to approach when it comes to fashion advice. Additionally, I am not the biggest Star Wars fan. Last, I don’t like standing out (all my fandom clothing and accessories are subtle – at least I’d like think so).
That being said, I can’t imagine myself wearing either of these suits.
BUT all of the above simply points to one thing – don’t pay attention to my opinion about these interesting Star Wars suits.
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