samedi 19 novembre 2016

These Star Wars Suits Will Leave You Speechless

Whether it’s because you are imagining just how awesome you’d look in them, or you can’t believe that anyone would wear these suits on a regular day (I think Comic Con would suit just fine – see what I did there? – I wouldn’t know.
What I know is that there are people who have never worn a suit and would never dream to think of wearing one.
If you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan, however, and you have no qualms about standing out in the crowd, then you want these Star Wars suits in your wardrobe. 
I have to be honest – I am probably the last person to approach when it comes to fashion advice. Additionally, I am not the biggest Star Wars fan. Last, I don’t like standing out (all my fandom clothing and accessories are subtle – at least I’d like think so).
That being said, I can’t imagine myself wearing either of these suits.
BUT all of the above simply points to one thing – don’t pay attention to my opinion about these interesting Star Wars suits.

The Evolution of Virtual Reality

Tech news has recently been inundated with stories detailing the latest advancements in virtual and augmented reality. Sony is releasing the PlayStation VR Headset, Oculus is rumored to be debuting hand controllers for the Rift headset, and Google introduced its latest VR platform Daydream.
It seems like every day another company is showcasing how its headset is different and/or better than the others on the market. With each new development, the technology is improving and virtual reality headsets are becoming more accessible.
“Over the next five years the headsets will get smaller and less intrusive, like visors that let you partially see some of your physical environment when you need to and dial virtual experiences in and out,” said Dan Pacheco, the Peter A. Horvitz Endowed Chair in Journalism Innovation at Communications@Syracuse, the online Master of Science in Communications program from Syracuse University. “This is already starting to happen with headsets like Microsoft’s Hololens, a so-called ‘mixed reality’ device that projects virtual experiences into the room you’re in.”
When I was in school, I used to stare at the pictures in my history book and try to imagine what it would have been like to be there. What else was happening right outside the borders of that image? What’s it like to climb up the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza? What sounds could be heard on Christopher Columbus’ ships as they sailed (unknowingly) toward the United States?
In the coming years, students might not have to wonder. They might be able to experience it for themselves through virtual reality headsets.
“HoloLens lets you literally be in two places at once,” Pacheco said. “You can be virtually at the top of ancient Incan ruins while partially seeing and talking to someone who is in the room with you. And oddly enough, it feels completely natural to be in two places at once like this.”
It’s not surprising that being in two places would feel natural with the right technology. As I’m sitting at my desk writing this, I’m imagining myself on a beach with the sun shining down and the waves crashing on the shore in front of me. If you’re anything like me, you’ve teleported yourself to another place in your mind on many occasions.
The future of virtual reality will likely make those daydreams seem more like reality. One day VR headsets might be as commonplace as cellphones are today, but the technology still has a long way to go. See how VR technology has evolved throughout the last century in this infographic from Communications@Syracuse.

The evolution of virtual reality infographic

Top 5 Superpowers for Regular Folks

There’s pretty much no one out there who hasn’t seen a movie from Marvel or DC and wondered what it’d be like to have superpowers of their own. However, the truly nerdy among us have gone a step further and questioned the logistics of what having those powers might entail. Sure, being able to read minds or have super strength sounds great at first, but it’s all fun and games until you rip off your car door in the grocery store parking lot or can’t make the voices in your head stop. What about superpowers for the average joe? These are five superpowers that would actually make a positive difference in our everyday lives.


Teleportation would be amazing and is one of the X-Men mutant powers we wouldn’t mind actually having. Anyone who has ever dealt with a long work commute, sat on a smelly bus, or ended up stuck in traffic for more than an hour knows the pain of travel and teleportation. Technology is reportedly working on making teleportation a reality, but we’ve seen The Fly one too many times to want to test it out. We would far prefer it as a superpower than a pod. One snap of the fingers and you’re at your office desk, allowing you to sleep in right up until the last minute. Any power that provides us with the opportunity for more sleep is definitely a good thing. Which brings us to our next power.

Instant Sleep

Sometimes, it’s just tough to fall asleep. There’s nothing worse than lying in your bed awake for what feels like forever only to look over and realize it’s 3:30 a.m. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that extra cup of coffee. Maybe that scary movie wasn’t the best thing to watch before bed. Or maybe you shouldn’t be playing on your phone all night. Either way, the ability to instantly fall asleep and get a restful, refreshing eights hours would be at the top of our list for superpowers. Now that’s what you call a power nap.

Block Vision/Mute Button

Now, this doesn’t necessarily have to involve physically turning someone to a block of ice, but the ability to quickly silence annoying, ignorant, or rude people in your day-to-day would almost certainly improve your quality of life. A video on what would happen if women had superpowers found here recommends outright freezing someone, but a simple mute button would do just as well. If only we could also apply it to internet comments.

Retractable Extra Hands and Arms (For Groceries)

We’ve all been there: you’re struggling to carry the groceries you picked up Sunday afternoon, but you’ll be damned if you’re making two trips to the car. So you load up a precarious number of bags on each arm and then either have one bag burst and drop the milk everywhere—or you dislocate your shoulder (no, that’s definitely never happened to us, why do you ask?). This is a real problem that is so commonplace it has its own “genius hack” posted online, so we take comfort in knowing that we’re not the only ones dealing with it. But with the ability to sprout extra hands and arms on command, you’d never have to worry about this again. We also imagine this superpower would be handy for busy parents as well.


Fine, we cheated a little, but no one denies that the power of flight would be amazing. Since ancient Greek times, man has dreamed of soaring amongst the clouds and it remains a popular fantasy today. We all wish we could fly high above the cities while soaking up the sun, talking with the birds, and experiencing the true freedom of no longer being literally grounded to the earth. Of all the true comic-book style superpowers, flight is one ability that would actually be incredible no matter how to slice it.

How much do you like your horror movies?
Here at ForeverGeek, we have our fair share of horror coverage – mostly thanks to Remy as yours truly is a little jumpy when it comes to this genre. With Halloween around the corner, however, I thought it but timely to share something (sort of) scary – the scariest states in the US.
The US Census Bureau (or whichever government agency knows measures these things) may not agree with the data, but the movies have spoken.
In the infographic below, you will find the top 5 scariest places. At the bottom, we have a tie: Maine and Massachusetts, thanks to Re-Animator, Jaws, The Haunting, Carrie, Dark Shadows, and Pet Sematary.
Care to give #1 a guess?
The infographic also lists the monsters that show up the most across the country, as well as the movements of those who like to travel. After all, if we can move from place to place, why can’t creepy creatures do the same?
Here are the scariest states in the US based on movies.

Move over molecular structure pendants or even Periodic Table t-shirts, for here comes nerdy jewelry that will blow you away. (That’s saying A LOT coming from us.)
How do you feel about the Drake Equation? The Arecibo Message?
Do they ring a bell? No? Don’t worry – you’re probably not alone. To be honest, as shameful as it is, I admit that I had to look up the latter.
If  your heart rate went up a tad when you read those two terms, then this giveaway is for you.
Tim of Starbell Designs wears his nerd loud and proud with two pieces of jewelry of his own design: a Tungsten Carbide Men’s Ring with the Drake Equation engraved on it and an Arecibo Message Genuine Leather Engraved Cuff Bracelet. And, he’s spreading the love with you all by giving away one of each.
To show what you’re going to get, here are the two pieces of nerdy jewelry. You can also see more of these and Tim’s work on his Facebook page.
According to Tim, “this high quality, high strength ring, made of Tungsten Carbide (two times the stiffness of steel), is smooth on the inside for an extremely comfortable fit. The laser inscription on the outside is known as the “Drake equation” and describes a probabilistic estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. The equation was developed by Frank Drake in 1961 to stimulate discussion of intelligent life on other planets and has been heralded as one of the most profound mathematical equations of our time.
The ring comes in sizes 9, 10, and 11.
This bracelet’s description:
The image burned in is the “Arecibo message” and represents intelligent life on Earth as we
know it. This message was broadcast in mathematical format to a local galaxy cluster in 1974. The Arecibo message graphic shows: Our base 10 counting system. Atomic numbers of the elements and formulas for the nucleotides which make up DNA. A graphic of the double helix shape of our DNA. A simple graphic figure of a man. The average height of a man. The population of planet Earth. A picture of our solar system, and a picture of the radio telescope this message was sent from.

Koothrappali would certainly approve of these, don’t you think?
The bracelet comes in one size.
Now, for the giveaway.
This one’s easy to join – there are no restrictions. At all.
The giveaway starts today, October 17 and ends on October 23. The winners will be announced on October 24.
The truth is out there, and we’ll find it one day. In the meantime, join this giveaway and let everyone know you believe.

lundi 7 novembre 2016

Yeah, this is a very “what the f*ck” issue that is seemingly being ignored by the company doing it. Can you imagine the frustration of going to Redbox to rent a game, spending the money, getting the box, only to get it home and find out someone took the actual disc out and replaced it with a print out cut out to look like the game disc? Thing is, this is about the 10th time I have seen it on Reddit so one of two things is going on right now:
Option one: Some gamers are genuine scumbags (you know, like the kids that call you a homo on live chat for no reason) and they rent these games for a few bucks, print out the paper, steal the disc, and then send it back. This puts the blame on Redbox for not even having quality control check to make sure the actual games get returned. That is some ghetto bullshit, but that is kinda what you get for renting from a Redbox. Have some damn respect for yourself and gaming. Used games at Gamestop cost as much as these rentals but you get to keep the game. Why use Redbox?
Option Two: Gamers are realizing people who post these pics are getting points and getting upvoted on Reddit so they are renting games and pretending this is happening to them, when in actuality, it isn’t. I actually think what we are seeing might be a little of both. But at the end of the day, Redbox needs to up their quality control and holding people accountable. Oh wait, they can’t because the renting is anonymous and can be paid for with cash. THAT, my fellow gamers, is why you do not support a shady and shitty business like that.
Some consumer advice: you don’t ever rent from Redbox this will literally NEVER happen to you. Problem solved. It really is THAT simple. If they supported gamers, they would not resend out empty games. But put them out of business by giving them no business and you end the problem.
If you don’t know the name Scott Adkins firsthand, it isn’t surprising, but you should. An oft unrecognized action star who has been in far more films than you know, Adkins is also one of the (lesser-known) stars in the upcoming Marvel opus, Dr. Strange. Though Dr. Strange is filled with award winning thespians, a good friend and fellow writer Steven Brinn wrote a piece about Scott Adkins and how he just may end up being the unsung hero of the film.
Over the past decade he has become one of the more recognizable names on the direct to video circuit. First doing extra work on UK television he would make his big screen debut in the Jackie Chan film The Accidental Spy. Since then he has gone from a generic henchman to the main lead working with action legends like Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham and Jet Li. With his first appearance in a proper Marvel movie approaching (let’s all forget X-Men Origins: Wolverine ever happened) lets take a look at 9 of his best action scenes.
It gives some great insight into a lesser known actor who just might surprise you with his presence and action chops. Check out the rest of the article here and follow Steven on Twitter over here